About Us
We’re a group of passionate people helping you to grow your business.
From a beginning of building services designs, we have evolved into a specialized outfit specializing in district cooling system, thermal energy storage, green technologies, high-security facilities and data center facilities.
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The current government direction in Malaysia, coupled with the recent hike in TNB ICPT tariff, underscores the urgent need for embracing Solar PV as a sustainable and cost-effective solution. An average consumption of RM 0.35 and ICPT of RM 0.20 makes the rate now is rocketing to RM 0.55 on each kWhr consumed. Here’s why […]
SEDA is now giving hefty grant for Energy Audit Conditional Grant. Although energy audits are readily available to most people, few folks choose to get one. The likely reason is that most are unaware they exist or how beneficial they can be. An energy audit can help reduce your carbon footprint by pinpointing trouble areas in your home or […]
Seperti yang saya jangkakan, tragedi kebakaran pusat tahfiz Darul Quran Ittifaqiyah akan menjadi sejuk selepas tujuh hari (lihat http://penadaritanahmelayu.blogspot.com/2017/09/diharapkan-kematian-mereka-mengubah.html). Tambahan pula pihak Bomba telah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa punca kebakaran adalah perbuatan khianat; dan suspek-suspek yang terlibat sudah ditahan. Maka persepsi masyarakat adalah kes sudah selesai; biarlah sistem perundangan mengadili kes dan kehidupan diteruskan sehingga tragedi […]
Attaining the status of Professional Engineer (P. Eng) ought to be the primary objective for young engineer graduates. Under Section 10(2) of the Engineers Act 1967 (Rev 2015), a Professional Engineer registered with the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) may: Take up employment which requires him to carry out or perform professional engineering services. Be […]
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